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Our Team

The OPC, coordinated by Professors Amandy Bandeira de Araújo and João Paulo de Araújo, is made up of students from the School of Music of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and former volunteer students, totaling 21 (twenty one) musicians who work in Brazil and the world.

Amandy Bandeira

Coordinator and I Clarinet

The Brazilian Amandy Araujo is a DMA students at the UGA studying with Dr. D. R. McClellan, his Master degree is from the USC with Joseph Eller and his Bachelor is from the UFPB (Brazil) with Carlos Rieiro. Mr. Araujo is the clarinet professor at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) and artistic director of the “Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetas”. He was also the principal clarinet at the Sergipe Symphonic Orchestra. As soloist, Mr. Araujo performed with the Paraiba State Young Orchestra, João Pessoa Chamber Orchestra, Rio Grande do Norte Symphonic Orchestra and Sergipe State Symphonic Orchestra.

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João Paulo (JP)

Coordinator and Bass Clarinet

Natural of João Pessoa (Paraíba), Brazil, Started his music studies at Assembléia de Deus music school in his born city and his first teacher was Marcos Costa. In the Following year, he has study in the Federal University of Paraiba Music School whit the teachers Santiago Aldana (Clarinet), and Carlos Rieiro (Clarinet). He did Bachelor in music at Federal University of Paraiba in 1999 and Master degree in 2005 at Federal University of Bahia. Was participant in the International music course in João Pessoa-PB (1990), Chamber Music Festival in João Pessoa-PB (1994), Brazilian Clarinet Players Meeting in Brasília, Salvador and São Paulo, north and northeast clarinet players Symposium in Salvador-BA, all of them in 1998 and in the 10th Brazilian Clarinet Players Meeting in Natal City-RN (2011) in condition of cordinator. He has played in the youth Camerata of Paraiba, Paraiba Simphony Orchestra, Philarmonic North/Northeast, Bahia Winds Quintet and in the Bahia Simphony Orchestra. In 2012 was member in clarinet quintet of “Conservatório Pernambucano de Música” (Recife-PE) as Bass Clarinet Player in the tour called “valores de nossa terra- compositor Dimas Sedícias”. Actualy he is member in the duo potengi Clarient and Basson of  Rio Grande do Norte Federal University Music School. This project was contemplated in 2013 whit “Premio Funarte de Concertos Didáticos” to the Natal city and metropolitan region. he is Artistic Dirertor in the projects: Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetas, Bando de Sax da UFRN e Música para todos. Since 2008 he teaches clarinet and saxophone at UFRN Music School.

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Joabe Oliveira

Eb Clarinet

Began his musical studies at 8 years old with his father, popular pianist João Maria do Nascimento. He had lessons in Recorder with Professor Luciano Soares, at age of 11 he started in clarinet, in the Church Assembly of God - Natal / RN, with Professor Gutemberg Nicacio. Principal of OSUFRN (Symphonic Orchestra of UFRN) for two seasons 2013-2014, during the same period, working with clarinet and bass clarinet in Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetes (OPC), ensemble of clarinets at UFRN. Multiplier musician in the social project NEOJIBA (State Nucleus of Youth and Children's Orchestras of Bahia) participant of Youth Orchestra of Bahia (Clarinet and bass Clarinet) 2016. Already having accompanied great musicians like Michael Uhde, Ney Rosauro, Marta Argerich, Midori Goto, Ricardo Castro and others. Technical and Bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, since its inception by Prof. Dc. Ronaldo Lima, passing to Prof. Dc. Amandy Bandeira and later by Prof. Ms. João Paulo de Araújo.

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Hudson Ribeiro

I Clarinet

Hudson Ribeiro began his music studies at age of eight years old. With sixteen years old he made his first audio recording with a traditional Brazilian music ensemble “Grupo de Chorinho do Sesi”. In 2013 he was selected by an Exchange Program called UNIBRAL, from “Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe” and “Escola de Música da UFRN”. He went to Germany for a year of study under the supervision of Wolfgang Meyer. The following year he concluded his Bachelor’s degree in Music – Clarinet and won the award of best student in the clarinet and music course under the guidance of Amandy Bandeira, João Paulo de Araújo and Wolfgang Meyer. In January 2015 he went to University of Georgia – USA invited by the clarinet professor Dr. Ray McClellan to have classes and perform a concert. He then got a full scholarship for a Master’s Degree and was invited to be a Teacher Assistant at UGA, but unfortunately he could not manage to go. From August 2015 to August 2016 he got a job as temporary professor at UFRN, where he also had his M.M. in Chamber Music. Mr. Ribeiro has collaborated with important musicians around the world, such as: Michael Uhde (Germany), Fábio Soren Presgrave (Brazil), Javier Llopis (Spain), Christopher Zimmerman (England/EUA), Alex Klein (Brazil/EUA), Diogo Pacheco (Brazil), Fenando Deddos (Brasil), André Luiz (Brazil), Luiz Carlos Durier (Brazil), Jean Reis (Brazil), Linus Lerner (Brazil), Giora Schmidt (EUA), Daniel Bollinger (Germany), Jeffrey Nelson (EUA), Daniel Guedes (Brazil), Dominic Desautels (Canada), Alicja Mounk (Germany), Italo Babini (Brazil/EUA), Johannes Debus (Canada), among others. Mr. Ribeiro teaches in a program at UFRN called “PRONATEC – Músico de Banda”since 2014. He is clarinet player of the UFRN Symphony Orchestra and performs as guest at the Rio Grande do Norte Symphony Orchestra (State Orchestra). He also holds the position of Spalla of the Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetas choir, which has performed as a guest group in the clarinetfest 2017. He is member of the UFRN Woodwind and Clarinet Quintet, Clarinet Quintet “Coco é Seco” and Reed’s Trio InVentus. He is regularly invited to teach and play in some important festivals in Brazil, as the 1st and 2nd “Encontro Paraibano de Clarinetistas”, among others. Nowadays Hudson is sponsored by the Brazilian Clarinet Company Devon&BurganiMarca Reeds and Silverstein Works. In 2011 Hudson took 1st prize in both The International Young Soloist Competition at Festival Eleazar de Carvalho held in Fortaleza, Brazil as well as The Winners Competition at Semana Eleazar de Carvalho in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 2014 he also took 1st prize in the EMUFRN Orchestra Competition at UFRN Music School in Natal, Brazil.

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Julião Barbosa

I Clarinet

Born in Recife, he began studies in music with his brother Felipe Barbosa and learned to play clarinet with Maestro Lula Barbosa, his uncle. Was a member of several bands and dance orchestras. He studied at Pernambuco Conservatory of Music with Prof. Moises da Paixão. He was a clarinetist, arranger and music instructor for the Brazilian Navy from 2004 to 2010. Rio de Janeiro, 2005, he took classes with José Botelho and studied at University of Rio de Janeiro (UniRio) with Fernando Silveira. He participated in six editions of the Free Music Workshop in Bom Jardim as Artistic Coordinator, under the General Coordination of the Brazilian musician Juliano Barbosa, of the X National Meeting of Clarinetists, held in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, and First Paraibano Encounter Clarinetists, held in João Pessoa. He had his song "Caldeirão", dedicated to Grêmio Lítero Musical Bonjardinense, ranked 2nd in the II "Moacir Santos" Composition for Bands 2012. He was the winner contest to choose the Hymn for Veterans Marines Association in 2013, and 1st Placed in Festival Potiguar Brazilian Music 2015 in the categories of Instrumental Music and Popular Vote. He graduated in Music Bachelor's degree with Clarinet qualification from Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), guided by Prof. João Paulo de Araújo, and is a member of Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetas.

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Fernanda Santos

II Clarinet

Specialist in Music Education in Basic Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2010-2011). Bachelor of Music with  Clarinet  habilitation by Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte-UFRN (2007). Graduated in Music by UFRN (2013) and Technician in Music with Clarinet habilitation by UFRN (2004). She performed as a clarinet at the Cruzet-RN Philharmonic (1995-2010). She also participated in several seminars, promoted by the José Augusto Foundation (FJA) within the State and Master Classes taught by national and international clarinetists. She was a Moniter of the Artistic Initiation Course (CIART) of the UFRN School of Music (2005-2006) and she was also a Moniter of the Clarinet Basic Course of the UFRN School of Music (2006 and 2009). She performed as a soloist at the III official concert of the Recife-PE Symphonic Band and was a soloist invited to the Special Concerts of the Nova Odessa Municipal Band - SP. She was invited to the symphonic orchestra of Rio Grande do Norte in 2006 and the Symphonic Band of Natal / RN. In 2009 she participated in the Eleazar de Carvalho International Festival and in 2011 he participated in ABEM - Brazilian Meeting of Music Education and the X Brazilian Meeting of Clarinetists. She was a member of the Symphonic Orchestra of the School of Music of EMUFRN in the year 2012 and the State Symphony Orchestra (OSRN) in the year 2013. She participated as a clarinet teacher in the three editions of Itinerant Ceará Music Festival (Várzea Alegre/CE, Jaguaribe/EC, Russas/CE), the 3rd edition of the Week of Music of Petrolina/PE-2014 and the Meeting of Clarinetists and Saxophonists of UERN-Mossoró/RN. In the year 2015 participated in the II Brazilian Encounter of Claronists / AL, I Encontro Paraibano de Clarinetistas/PB and the III Meeting on Teaching Music for People with Visual Impairment. In the year of 2016 participated in the IV Meeting on Teaching Music for People with Visual Deficiency and of the 1st Seminary of Music of the Serra giving classes of clarinet.Currently she is Music Teacher at the Epitacio Leopoldino de Oliveira/Parnamirim-RN School of Music, Teacher at Pronatec/UFRN and member of the Potiguar de Clarineta Orchestra of clarinet of UFRN (OPC).

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Melquíades Vasconcelos

II Clarinet

He studied at Verbus Music School in Assembly of God Church - Mossoró / RN at 12 years old (2009). In 2010, his joined the Music Conservatory D'alva Stella Nogueira Freire at UERN in medium course of music, guided by Professor Paulo Roberto da Silva, where he finished in 2013. In 2014, he joined the Graduation in Music - Bachelor of Arts at EMUFRN , where he was guided by Prof. Ms João Paulo de Araújo, currently guided by Prof. Dc. Amandy Bandeira de Araújo. He was a member of the Orchestra of the Conservatoire D'alva Stella (UERN), currently member of UFRN Symphony Orchestra. He is clarinetist in Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetas - OPC, Spalla of Symphonic Band and clarinetist of the Experimental Camerata of Contemporary Music, all this groups in UFRN. He took master classes with: D Ray McClellan (UGA - United States), José Botelho (Rio de Janeiro), Felix Alonso (Distrito Federal), Gabriele Mirabassi (Italy), Sergio Burgani (OSESP / UNESP) Afonso Montanha (USP), Javier Llopis (Spain), Dominc Desautels (Canada), Mariano Rey (Argentina).

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Anderson Medeiros

Clarineta II

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Iatagam Rodrigues

III Clarinet

Iatagam Ribeiro Rodrigues began his musical studies at the age of 11 with professor Everaldo Felipe de Almeida (clarinettist). At age of 14 he had his first musical experience, integrating a Music Band from his hometown, passing as well as his group with his first experiences with a group. In 2006 participated in the seminar of bands held in the city of Natal under the guidance of Professor Arimathea Veríssimo (UFPB), having clarinet lessons. The following year he joined the Technical Music Course in Clarinet habilitation at the Music School of UFRN under the guidance of Professor Ronaldo Ferreira de Lima (UFRN). At this period I had the opportunity to participate in a Master Class with professor Carlos Riero (Argentina) and José Cardoso Botelho (Portuguese). He participated in the 8th, 9th and 10th Brazilian Clarinetist Meetings in South America in the city of Recife/PE, Brasília/DF and Natal/RN. He has participated in several recitals, as a guest musician, performed inside the Music School of UFRN (EMUFRN) and beyond. In 2012 he enrolled in the Clarineta Bachelor course at the UFRN Music School under the guidance of Professor Amandy Bandeira, Professor João Paulo de Araújo and Professor Enéas Albuquerque. He is a member of the Potiguar Clarinet Orchestra of EMUFRN. He also works in the Trampoline of Vitoria Music Band of the Cultural Foundation of the City of Parnamirim, the Band of Music Lieutenant Dijalma Ribeiro of the Ceará City Hall, as well as performing in the RN Symphony Orchestra as a guest musician since 2015.

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Jonathan Costa

III Clarinet

Jonathan André Costa da Silva, native of Natal/RN, began his musical studies in the year 2008 at the unit located in the neighborhood of Felipe Camarão, the NAM (Nucleus of Amparo ao Menor). He began his studies with teacher and conductor Ubaldo Medeiros, having music's theory and flute class. In 2010 he started the basic course in music with a degree in Recorder at the School of Music of the Federal University of Rio Grande. where he studied under the renowned professor José Stevam (UFRN). In 2012 has begun his studies in clarinet under the guidance of teacher and teacher Arquimendes Souza. He's completing his Technical Course in Music with qualification in Clarinet under the guidance of Professor Ronaldo de Lima (UFRN), Enéas Albuquerque (UFRN), Hudson Ribeiro (UFRN) and João Paulo Araújo (UFBA-UFRN) and is studying the degree in music offered by UFRN. Clarinetist of the Potiguar Orchestra of Clarinets, professor of Musicalization of the Nucleus of Social Development and volunteer professor of the NAM, or even participated and acquired masterclass experiences with great clarinetists from all over the world, such as D. Ray McClam (USA), José Botelho (RJ) ), Félix Alonso (Cuba / Brasília), Henry Bok (HOL), Luiz Afonso Montanha (SP), Mariano Rey (ARG), Jorge Montila (VEN), Joel Barbosa (UFBA) Sergio Burgani (OSESP) of Clarinetists of the RN Meeting of Clarinetists of Brasilia, Paraibano Meeting of Clarinets, II Brazilian Meeting of Claraists in Alagoas, XXII National Congress of Brazilian Association of Music Education, UFRN Music Week and Music Training Seminar in the city of Cruzeta/RN.

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Joelson Joe

Clarineta III

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Artêmio Monteiro

IV Clarinet

He studied at Epitacio Leopoldino Music School - Parnamirim / RN, guided by teacher Fernanda Santos (2013). In 2014 he started at EMUFRN in the Technical Course in Music, guided by professor Ronaldo Lima. The following year he entered the Graduation in Music - Bacharelado, also in EMUFRN, nowadays guided by professor Dc. Amandy Araújo. Member of the Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetes - OPC, of ​​the Rio Grande do Norte Symphony Orchestra and of the UFRN Symphonic Band. He participated in masterclass with clarinetists: D Ray McClellan (UGA - United States), José Botelho (Rio de Janeiro), Felix Alonso (Distrito Federal), Gabriele Mirabassi (Italy) and Sergio Burgani (OSESP).

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Jonathas Marques

IV Clarinet

Born in Natal, RN, Jonathas Marques Pereira de Lima began his musical studies in 2005, instructed by his teacher Elizeu Alves, at the IEADERN Music School. In 2010, through a selection process, he joined the Technical Course in Clarinet given by the Music School of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Well taught by the great  teachers, being them Ronaldo Ferreira and Aynara Silva. In 2012, enrolled in the undergraduate course of Music at the same institution. Throughout the years of 2013 and 2014, he taught clarinet techniques at the Severino Cordeiro Music's School. During which time he was also a member of several bands and played orchestras at his city and all nearby cities as well. At this present time, he proceeds to enroll the music carrer by participating at the Potiguar Orchestra of Clarinets, which achieved to participate at the clarinetfest 2017 at Orlando(USA). He also presents himself alone and together with regional groups of "Choro" and "Samba".

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Lamarck França

IV Clarinet

Born in 1999 in Natal-RN he starded his music studies on the music band from his city in 2014, his first clarinet teacher was Alanderson Maxson. In 2014 starded his technical course  in clarinent at Rio Grande do Norte Federal University Music School  and studied with the professors Ronaldo Ferreira, João Paulo de Araújo, Hudson Ribeiro and Enéas Albuquerque. In 2016 started his graduation course at the same Music School and now he studies with Amandy Bandeira. He plays clarinet in the Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetas and UFRN Wind.

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Antônio Wendel

Clarineta IV

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Alanderson Nascimento


Born in São Gonçalo do Amarante-RN he starded his music studies on the music band from his city in 2000. In 2004 started his technical course at Rio Grande do Norte Federal University Music School. After this in 2010 he did his graduation at the same Music School. Were his professors Ronaldo Ferreira, João Paulo de Araújo e Amandy Bandeira. Actually he teaches Clarinet in his born city São Gonçalo and plays Bass Clarinet in the Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetas.

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Paula Araújo

Bass Clarinet

Natural of João Câmara, Rio Grande do Norte- Brazil, is specialist in Music Education at Basic Education for Federal University  of Rio Grande do Norte, bachelor in music (2006) for Federal University  of Rio Grande do Norte, technitian in music band conductor (2012) for UFRN, Pronatec. Was invited to play bass clarinet with Rio Grande do Norte Symphony Orchestra (2004, 2005, 2007), and as an invited bass clarinet player at Natal Symphonic Band (2005-2008), Principal Clarinet (2003-2007), Institutional Cordinator of Cruzeta Music Association (2007-2008), of Philarmonic 24th october from Cruzeta City. Has  participated of many music meetings, had studied with well-known professors like Priest Pedro Ferreira de Souza, Isaias Rafael and Nailor Azevedo (Proveta). Was conductor, clarinet teacher and teach music theory in São Tomé Philarmonic. Actualy she is clarinet teacher in São Gonçalo do Amarante City and member of Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetas.

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Kleber Luz

Bass Clarinet

Born in Fortaleza-CE, at age 12 he moved to Natal-RN. In 2005, at the age of 14 he graduated from the Basic Music Course at the Assembleia de Deus in Natal-RN. In 2010 he joined the Clarineta Technical Course by UFRN in the class of Prof. João Paulo de Araújo (JP). Participated in Masterclass with Prof. João Paulo and other clarinet teachers, such as: José Botelho (Portugal / Brasil-RJ), Cristiano Alves (RJ-Brasil), Fernando Silveira (RJ-Brasil), Domingos Elias (SP-Brasil), Ovanir Buosi Brazil), Luis Rossi (Santiago-Chile), Paulo Sergio Santos (RJ-Brazil), D. Ray McClellan (Brazil), Pedro Rubatto (BA-Brazil), Joel Barbosa USA), among others. Participated in the editions from 2010 to 2016 of the Week of Music, promoted by the School of Music of UFRN. Participated in the III Festival of Erudit Music of Piracicaba-SP being part of the current activities of the festival. Participated in the X Clarinetist Meeting in Natal-RN, and the II Bass Clarinet Meeting held in Maceió-AL. Currently he is part of the Trampoline Music Band of Vitoria in Parnamirim-RN, as a clarinet player, and the Potiguar Clarinetes Orchestra (OPC), as a bass clarinet player.

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Diego José


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Leandro Claudino


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Escola de Música da UFRN

Av. Passeio dos Girassóis, 300, Capim Macio,

59078-970 - Natal, RN.

Tel./WhatsApp: +55 84 98879-0360

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